
会場では、たくさんのフードやキッチンカー、線香花火作り体験、そして謎解き企画など、多彩なコンテンツで大盛り上がり!子どもから大人まで笑顔が溢れる素敵な時間となりました😊 カモ谷製作舎( @kamodani.seisakusha )さんと津峯神社( @tsunomine_jinjya.part3 )のコラボ商品「つのみねさん ノ Coffee(コーヒー)」も大人気でした☕️
イベントのフィナーレを飾ったのは、岸火工品製造所( @kishi_hanabi )さんによる打ち上げ花火🎆夜空に輝く花火、そしてミュージック花火の演出に来場者は感動の拍手を送る素晴らしい締めくくりとなりました!
The 4th Sora Marche, held in conjunction with the Tsunomine Shrine Festival, was a dazzling celebration of food and light that captivated everyone who attended! ✨
The venue was alive with excitement, featuring delicious food, kitchen trucks, sparkler-making workshops, and thrilling puzzle-solving activities. Smiles filled the air as both children and adults enjoyed a wonderful time together 😊.
The collaboration product between “Kamodani Seisakusha” and “Tsunomine Shrine” , 「Tsunomine-san no Coffee」 , was also a big hit! ☕️
The event also showcased a bubble performance by the Anan City Community Revitalization Team, where giant bubbles floated through the night sky, delighting children and filling the venue with their joyful cheers! Additionally, a powerful performance by KINGFARM’s 「Osumi KING」 brought the energy to its peak and was met with great enthusiasm ✨.
Finally was a breathtaking fireworks display by 「Kishi Fireworks Manufacturing」. The fireworks lit up the night sky, and the perfectly choreographed music fireworks resonated with applause throughout the hall, which impressed me🎆.
Sora Marche was a truly unforgettable event, powered by the collective efforts of the community. We can’t wait to see you all at the next edition of this amazing celebration! ✨