
特産品販売ブースをはじめ、阿南の特産品を使った特別料理(竹ちくわ・フィッシュカツ・すだち)を楽しんだり、花柳毬香衛(川口圭子)さんによる美しい演舞、江崎ばもん( @ezaki_bamon )さんと山西章博( @akihiro.yama1129 )さんを司会に迎えたくじ引き大会も大盛況でした!🎉

Tokyo-Anan Furusato Koryukai ✨
The recently held "Tokyo-Anan Furusato exchange meeting " welcomed around 100 attendees at Gakushikaikan in Chiyoda, Tokyo! The event brought together individuals and companies connected to Anan City, as well as those with a strong passion for supporting the city. Guests also included representatives from Minato City and the Shirokane Kitasato Street Shopping Association, making the venue lively and vibrant!
Visitors enjoyed Anan's specialties, including exclusive dishes featuring bamboo chikuwa, fishkatu , and sudachi, alongside booths selling local products. The event also featured a beautiful dance performance by Marikae Hanayagi (Keiko Kawaguchi) and an exciting raffle hosted by Bamont Ezaki and Akihiro Yamanishi. Both were crowd favorites! 🎉
We are deeply grateful for the wonderful connections and exchanges between Tokyo and Anan City. We look forward to strengthening these bonds and meeting even more people at the next event! For those who couldn't join us this time, we hope to see you next time! 😊
A heartfelt thank you to the Tokyo-Anan Furusato Association, Anan City Hall, the students of Taisho University, and everyone involved in organizing this incredible event. Your efforts made it truly special, and we are deeply grateful! 😌